Do you have debt? (Not including Mortgage)
What type of debt do you have?
What percent of your total monthly spending is going to debt repayments and basic necessities?
What percentage of your monthly income is going to retirement? (Not including employer match)
What percent of your spending is going to necessities?
What percentage of your spending is going to retirement/investments?
What percentage of your spending is going to wants?
This percentage is calculated by subtracting the percentage for necessities and percentage from retirement/investments from your total spending
Wants % = 100% - (Necessities % + Retirement/Investment Percentage)
Do you have any of the following debts: Collections, Pawn Debt, IRS, Payday loans?
Since you have no other debt, what % of your income goes to your mortgage(s)?
What % of your income goes to your mortgage(s)?
What is your highest interest rate debt?
If you add up all of your non-mortgage debt, what percentage of your average yearly pre-tax income is that total debt?
What types of debt do you have? Select all that apply
(18-24) What % of your current total annual salary is in your retirement savings? (Not your contribution %, but your total salary)
(25-34) What % of your current total annual salary is in your retirement savings? (Not your contribution %, but your total salary)
(35-44) What % of your current total annual salary is in your retirement savings? (Not your contribution %, but your total salary)
(45-54) What % of your current total annual salary is in your retirement savings? (Not your contribution %, but your total salary)
(55-64) What % of your current total annual salary is in your retirement savings? (Not your contribution %, but your total salary)
(65+) What % of your current total annual salary is in your retirement savings? (Not your contribution %, but your total salary)
How much money do you have in an emergency fund?
Do you own any real estate?
How much real estate do you own?