Be on Financial Audit!

Compensation + Advice on Finances + Travel Reimbursement for participants outside of Texas. Shoot takes about 3 hours from start to finish. 

Shoots in Austin, TX!

Do you need a financial makeover? We’re looking for guests to star in an episode of a HIT personal finance Youtube channel (1M+ Followers) with a financial expert who will give you advice and tools for revolutionizing your finances! 

Guests are given a fake name to use for privacy purposes, but the show goes over your real finances so, each guest leaves with a plan to become debt-free!

General Financial Audit Application

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Are you able to travel to Austin?
Please provide links to relevant social media channels.
Please provide a list, best guess estimates are fine! (i.e. Chase credit card - $4500, Discover credit card - $7800, Car Loan - $22k, Student debt - $11k, Pay Day Loan - $2100)
Photo of yourself. (Please don't use a professional headshot. Just a candid shot of you is great!)
How did you hear about casting?
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